Friday 1 December 2006

Well first post, why I'm doing this??

Actually ironically this is an answer as opposed to a question!!

I've been to the Online Conference this week at Olympia. I thought it was a little diasppointing, not as cutting edge as I expected , perhaps a little too much academia. Never the less I came away feeling that if I don't blog or wiki or IM then perhaps I shouldn;t exist in the 21st century!!

No actually the main spur was that the Home Office in one of the seminars said they monitor some blogs of the members of the public who are political commentators. They quoted Rachel of North London as an example. I had a look and low and behold she's a survivor of the London bombings. So fare dues to Rachel and I hope some of the thoughts she presents rattle the Governments cage a little.

1 comment:

Rachel said...


That is quite scary. Well, I had better do some more political blogging then, and stop wittering on about recipes and bronchitis.

Good luck with the blogging, I shall be watching you. If I am bundled off by the Home Office in an unmarked van for seditiousness I shall rely on you to keep on at them in my absence