Sunday 3 December 2006

Litvinenko, a Hollywood movie for real....

Golly the Litvinenko case is turning into Hollywood fantasy!!!. Its got everything, there's presidents involved, Prime Minister's involved, conspiracy theory everywhere......and polonium 210 like breadcrumbs scattered to the wind. It seems like a 21st century equivalent of dog pooh stuck on ones shoe, it gets everywhere.

Well there is a seriously large article on this case in today's Sunday Times, pages worth of dense print with lots of big words. I'm going to have to read over a couple of days before I submit any serious comment. I've skimmed it thus far and its like a Pacman maze, bad guys everywhere.

Interestingly no one appears to know who are the good guys and the bad guys........perhaps its a alll a lod of spin to keep the "sheep" under control, (we are the sheep dear reader) Putin's pissed (US slang for annoyed as opposed to UK for excessively merry!) Blairs probably pissed, Charles Kennedy most certainly is!!... I digress.

But wait there's more!!!! on the news tonight the erstwhile Mr Reid is alledgedly sending "investigators", nine of them apparently forth into the depths of Europe to seek answers as to who killed Mr. L.

To my simple mind this is all somewhat fantastic, they doth protest too much. As I said previously its a pretty serious way to kill someone......why do it that way and what for??

The most logical answer....??? perhaps it was an accident, perhaps Mr. L was involved in doing something dangerous with polonium 210 and some sticky back plastic and an old washing up bottle. He apparently hit with a dose of radiation that was 100 times more than would have been required to kill him. The assassin would have had to have been dressed in a nice Armani suit made of lead that would have been six inches thick in order to deliver the dose........

Funnily enough I suspect no one in the media has yet mention that Mr. L's exposure to Polonium 210 could have been an accident. IF it was then that raises a whole series of other questions that I don't have answers for.......some of those could
be very scary indeed..... further debate on this later in the week

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