Friday 1 December 2006

2nd Post and 1st question!!

The mystery of the Russian spy and the nuclear sweetie!!

Apparently (according to the media) the post mortem was being carried out on Alexander Litvinenko's body today. The pathologists were going to be wearing special clothing to carry out the procedure (is that the correct phrase?)

Anyway my question is do they seriously believe that the public will believe that they are only carrying out the post mortem now????

Ancillary question is who are they?? the Government? which bit of it? the Home Office (M15) "Spooks" or the Foreign Office (M16) "James Blond" and they don't like "spooks" for trivialising the glorious game of cloak and dagger.

My sympathy to the family of Mr. Litinvenko, a horrible way to die and if someone did kill him (doesn;t it seem likely), I really can't see someone getting their sushi, or special fish sauce or even sugar lumps (remember polio vacinations!!)
mixed up with polonium-210.

To be fair as I've never eaten shusi (sheltered life, ignorance and all that bollocks etc) or seen polo 210 I probably wouldn't recognise it anyway.

So further questions...

What did he do that made someone want to kill him?
If someone did kill him then who are they?
If he was killed, what was he killed in this fashion?
Is it a particularly savage version of spin and proganda?
Is it a warning to other out spoken people???

How much of the overall story is fabricated and controlled by the corridors of power?

Is John reid the most dangerous looking home secretary we've had?

Anyway these are some of the thoughts that have wandered through my head the last couple of weeks. Most of all I feel sorry for Mr. Litvinenko's family, because Christ only knows what the truth is in this matter and sure as hell they will be last to know....thats pretty sad.

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