Friday 22 December 2006

The Litvinenko Case

This has died down somewhat.....but still no answers as to why the killing happened in such a dangerous and gruesome manner. Latest news from 16th Dec says it was because he held a dossier on a top Kremlin figure.

Again extreme killing method for a piece of paper that Litvinenko could have published before he died after all he was ill for a number of weeks and knew he was dying. So the chances are he knew his killers and of he had something to publish he had the opportunity but he didn't and he had the media at his bedside.....

So why not publish? to protect his family from harm....? a good reason of course

Anyone else have any suggestions?

Ipswich Man Charged

The police have charged a local man with the five murders. Full marks to them for catching him so quickly. It is going to be interesting to see if he is the right man and what the evidence of his guilt actually is. It also remains to be seen if he is the only one.....

five murders in a short space of time is a serious crime.

my questions are:

Is this the work of one person? the police were very careful to be clear they were looking for one or more people.
If it is did he just start this...or has he killed before?
I don't know anything about serial killers but surely this is a taste they develop over time as opposed to weeks?

All the police activity in Ipswich will prevent the killer (if he has not been caught from acting further. Will he start elsewhere or in a few months time. The evidence will be revealing.....

Wednesday 13 December 2006

Suffolk Murders

Well a tragic story....does one get the impression that already the police are in over their heads. It must be a horrendous situation to be in, 5 bodies in as many days......

No doubt the police are well trained and I hope the Suffolk force will have the backup from other forces.

The question I have is whether or not the public perception about the polices' ability to solve the crime has been heightened by the media over the last decade.

Is REAL policing anything like fictional policing where the police work through difficult cases and solve them with apparent ease?

I suspect not... but time will tell.

I hope they find the killer quickly

One thing I do find offensive is the fact that in almost every media report the dead women are referred to as prostitutes, in a demeaning fashion. Why is this the case? I think everyone knows by now of their occupation.

What are other people's opinions on this?

Thursday 7 December 2006

Mr. Litvinenko's funeral

The debate still chunders on, another contact of Mr. L's is ill though no can agree on whether or not he is in a coma! Seven more people found with traces of Polo 210 (nope thats not a Jade Goody signature perfume)

Mr. L's funeral today, glad it was private, the whole the affair is terrible for his family. His dad was interviewed and I felt for him.

So next week unless there are further revelations I'll come up with some different QICA.

I still think there is more to this than meets the eye.

I do think that Mr. L used his impending death to give him a platform to attach Putin with that statement, but I hardly think he deliberately put himself on death row to make such a statement while knowing full well that a strong strong statement would be edited to within an inch of existance anway.

It's a pretty serious way to die, the trigger for such an exit surely must be more than being a media thorn in Putin's side.

Wednesday 6 December 2006

Short thoughts today

Been super busy but not efficient today..... read another page of the ST article while I ate my breakfast. Its weird none of them can actually agree on who met who when! In fact stuff in the news suggests to me that there may be a questions as to whether Mr L. was poisoned while in the sushi bar.

Also if you were and assasin would you carry a highly toxic substance while travelling with your family? Would you do this when you made the same trip fairly frequently over a short period of time without your family?

There is definitely more to this than meets the eye, I'm getting more intrigued as to what the answer might be.

Somebody other than me must have an opinion on this......

Maybe its not important, but I certainly find it interesting....

Mr. L's funeral tomorrow.......

Top Web Results for "assassin"

3 results for: assassin
View results from: Dictionary | Thesaurus | Encyclopedia | All Reference | the Web Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source
as·sas·sin [uh-sas-in] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a murderer, esp. one who kills a politically prominent person for fanatical or monetary reasons.
2. (initial capital letter) one of an order of Muslim fanatics, active in Persia and Syria from about 1090 to 1272, whose chief object was to assassinate Crusaders.
[Origin: 1525–35; < ML assassinī (pl.) < Ar ḥashshāshīn eaters of hashish]

I've spent some time updating my profile further.....

Tuesday 5 December 2006

more thoughts on Mr. Litvinenko

Well I read through half the article on Mr. Litvinenko in last Sunday's Sunday Times. The radiation in question was composed of Alpha particles as opposed to Gamma, which neatly blows my lead suit theory out the window! More comments tomorrow!

Lesson learned, I will read more before I open my blog!

Monday 4 December 2006

strange day today

Mondays - who really likes them? I dont' I always find them to be be disjointed sort of day. I always feel lethargic on a Monday before anyone says it, nooooo I don't drink or take drugs of any kind. Like a badly dubbed film I always feel as if I'm slightly out of sync with the world on a Monday

One thing I do know is that I don't currently get enough exercise and I know fromn past experience that no exercise affects my energy levels.

So time to do something about that!!

So is it just me or are Mondays definitely different to all the other days in the week??

Enough whinging.

No earth shattering topics to discuss today, not had the time to read the papers or browse for news. However I guess the next challenge for me to research is how to build up a readership for my blog.......

Sunday 3 December 2006

Litvinenko, a Hollywood movie for real....

Golly the Litvinenko case is turning into Hollywood fantasy!!!. Its got everything, there's presidents involved, Prime Minister's involved, conspiracy theory everywhere......and polonium 210 like breadcrumbs scattered to the wind. It seems like a 21st century equivalent of dog pooh stuck on ones shoe, it gets everywhere.

Well there is a seriously large article on this case in today's Sunday Times, pages worth of dense print with lots of big words. I'm going to have to read over a couple of days before I submit any serious comment. I've skimmed it thus far and its like a Pacman maze, bad guys everywhere.

Interestingly no one appears to know who are the good guys and the bad guys........perhaps its a alll a lod of spin to keep the "sheep" under control, (we are the sheep dear reader) Putin's pissed (US slang for annoyed as opposed to UK for excessively merry!) Blairs probably pissed, Charles Kennedy most certainly is!!... I digress.

But wait there's more!!!! on the news tonight the erstwhile Mr Reid is alledgedly sending "investigators", nine of them apparently forth into the depths of Europe to seek answers as to who killed Mr. L.

To my simple mind this is all somewhat fantastic, they doth protest too much. As I said previously its a pretty serious way to kill someone......why do it that way and what for??

The most logical answer....??? perhaps it was an accident, perhaps Mr. L was involved in doing something dangerous with polonium 210 and some sticky back plastic and an old washing up bottle. He apparently hit with a dose of radiation that was 100 times more than would have been required to kill him. The assassin would have had to have been dressed in a nice Armani suit made of lead that would have been six inches thick in order to deliver the dose........

Funnily enough I suspect no one in the media has yet mention that Mr. L's exposure to Polonium 210 could have been an accident. IF it was then that raises a whole series of other questions that I don't have answers for.......some of those could
be very scary indeed..... further debate on this later in the week

Friday 1 December 2006

2nd Post and 1st question!!

The mystery of the Russian spy and the nuclear sweetie!!

Apparently (according to the media) the post mortem was being carried out on Alexander Litvinenko's body today. The pathologists were going to be wearing special clothing to carry out the procedure (is that the correct phrase?)

Anyway my question is do they seriously believe that the public will believe that they are only carrying out the post mortem now????

Ancillary question is who are they?? the Government? which bit of it? the Home Office (M15) "Spooks" or the Foreign Office (M16) "James Blond" and they don't like "spooks" for trivialising the glorious game of cloak and dagger.

My sympathy to the family of Mr. Litinvenko, a horrible way to die and if someone did kill him (doesn;t it seem likely), I really can't see someone getting their sushi, or special fish sauce or even sugar lumps (remember polio vacinations!!)
mixed up with polonium-210.

To be fair as I've never eaten shusi (sheltered life, ignorance and all that bollocks etc) or seen polo 210 I probably wouldn't recognise it anyway.

So further questions...

What did he do that made someone want to kill him?
If someone did kill him then who are they?
If he was killed, what was he killed in this fashion?
Is it a particularly savage version of spin and proganda?
Is it a warning to other out spoken people???

How much of the overall story is fabricated and controlled by the corridors of power?

Is John reid the most dangerous looking home secretary we've had?

Anyway these are some of the thoughts that have wandered through my head the last couple of weeks. Most of all I feel sorry for Mr. Litvinenko's family, because Christ only knows what the truth is in this matter and sure as hell they will be last to know....thats pretty sad.

Well first post, why I'm doing this??

Actually ironically this is an answer as opposed to a question!!

I've been to the Online Conference this week at Olympia. I thought it was a little diasppointing, not as cutting edge as I expected , perhaps a little too much academia. Never the less I came away feeling that if I don't blog or wiki or IM then perhaps I shouldn;t exist in the 21st century!!

No actually the main spur was that the Home Office in one of the seminars said they monitor some blogs of the members of the public who are political commentators. They quoted Rachel of North London as an example. I had a look and low and behold she's a survivor of the London bombings. So fare dues to Rachel and I hope some of the thoughts she presents rattle the Governments cage a little.