Monday 5 February 2007

6 Weeks since I last wrote on here!! disgraceful!!

Gawd, I broke my New Year's resolution before I even got to New Year! How awful. Christmas seems like such a long time ago, is it just me or does anyone else feel like they are living at warp speed or the female equivalent which is warp speed in parallel 'cause ladies can multitask and blokes can't!

Quick update on Mr. Litvinenko, did anyone see the panorama programme on the case? very interesting. 2 Russins that the CSI Vegas or New York crews would have wet themselves over. The nuclear versions of the poli-lites would have been blown across the room such was the forensic evidence that these guys have been carrying Polo 210. The programme named and interviewed them supposedly in the pub where they met Mr. Litvineko. They had beer, he had a cup of tea. The tea cup alledgedly was covered in Polo 210, the source of his ingestion. Interestingly they also had a proper real life representative of the KGB doing some PR for them, he wasn't overly convincing, his body language says he was lying through his teeth.

There was also a third russian mentioned, but he was focused little upon in the programme, one got the impression that further nvestigations very going on and he could well be involved, he was at the original meeting in the pub as well. The mystery goes on. Hard to believe in this day and age of mass media, all ultimately with a limited lifespan, shelf life or audience retention that someone would be killed because of a book they might write. Can't help believing there is still loads more to this than meets the eye.

Any comments or thoughts?

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